Every one of us is called to become a Guardian of the Light here on Earth; to protect, nurture, and become that very light for the advancement of humanity. This is how human evolution happens and how the continued survival of our planet is assured. We are all needed as these Guardians and Protectors as every aspect of life is currently birthing into a new dimensional reality.
There is a mythic story that speaks of a Woman who carries the energy of both the Moon and the Sun, giving birth to the light of humanity through the joining of these rays. She is crying aloud with the pangs of childbirth and a great beast is there waiting to devour this human light that is being birthed. The Woman though is given a pair of eagle’s wings to carry her to safety.
In this program, we will explore this mythic story and how it applies to our personal and collective journey. What light is seeking to be born through you at this time? What are you being asked to guard and protect? What in your life is seeking to devour that light? Distraction? Doubt? Fear? Fatigue? We all have a place of Light that needs tending, nurturing, and maybe even igniting. And we all have a spiritual responsibility to birth and protect the Light that we have been gifted and born into. In these times we are simultaneously being birthed and giving birth.
Everyone will have a different Guardianship. Come and discover yours at this vital time and how you can contribute to your own and our world's evolution.
Meditations ~ Prayers ~ Sacred Feminine Chant ~ Deep Inquiry
Your Guide: Rev. Meghan Don
Rev. Meghan Don has been described as “THE VOICE when it comes to how we as humans can integrate the feminine in our lives,” and her work “leads us into our true nature where we are emboldened to step up as a force of healing and hope in the world.” Meghan is an Evolutionary Mystic, Award-Winning Author, Founder of The Sanctuary of Sophia, a Feminine Mentor, and Death & Dying Guide. Her work incorporates mystical prayer and meditation, sacred chant and dance, Jungian wisdom, and Tree of Life mysteries, bringing ancient wisdom into a contemporary and accessible form. Meghan has taught at Omega Institute, Esalen Institute, Unity and New Thought Churches, and Interfaith Training Institutes.

Her books are: Meditations with Teresa of Avila: A Journey into the Sacred (winner of Best Book & Author Award, 2006), Sacred Companions Sacred Community: Reflections with Clare of Assisi, and her latest, The New Divine Feminine: Spiritual Evolution for a Woman’s Soul. Meghan is currently working on a new book on Death and Dying.