My relationship with the Mother began when I was very young. I found Her in the land and the creatures growing up on a farm in New Zealand. Then I met her in the Maori mythology as Papatuanuku. With my extensive travels and studies, I have encountered the many faces of the Mother, from many different traditions, each one revealing itself to me as my soul needed. She is my Mother no matter what form She appears as.
My work with souls in the other realms also shows me, again and again, the importance of "Mother," both our biological and spiritual Mothers. I have some great stories to share with you about this.
Now I am back in New Zealand coming full circle, and I meet Her again in new-old ways.
What is your current relationship with the Mother?
I have discovered that my relationship can always go deeper, and I can always learn to commune more openly with Her. I invite you into that depth and communion.
Are you living a life of joy and want that to be enhanced? Are you fearful for our world and Earth and want deeper knowledge of your part in the raising of consciousness? Do you just want to sit in Her presence and with the presence of others? Wherever you find yourself this series will give you what your soul needs. I can say this confidently as I know the Mother always delivers our souls into freedom.
As our world continues its descent into chaos and destruction the Divine Mother comes to remind you that She is here, right here, for you and all your concerns and any anxiousness you may be feeling.
Bring your troubled hearts to me, She says, I am here for you.
We all need soul nourishment and to return to our natural inner calm as much as possible. There is no better place than the embrace of the Mother's arms for this.
Before each session I will be open to receive from the Mother a particular theme or message that She wants to bring forward for us all. We will then explore that together through our meditations and reflections. Each session will also bring forward a different face of the Mother and some sneak previews of my new book on Death & Dying and the Mother.
In this 4-part Series We Explore:
~ Maori Creation Myth and our Earth Mother
~ The meaning of Shalom with Mother Mary
~ Humanity's Eternal Innocence with the Black Madonna
~ Original Kindness with the Dark and Light Mother as One
You Will:
~ Open to receive and absorb the calming nourishment that the Mother brings for you
~ Enter into sacred chant to help calm and steady your mind
~ Be led on a guided meditation to deepen your own relationship with the Mother, in whatever form or way She speaks to you
~ Ask the Mother any questions that live within your heart
~ Let the Mother’s loving vibration flow through you to those who are deeply suffering on our
What You Receive
4 Recorded Videos with Teaching, Group Meditation, and Group Sharing
4 Recorded Meditations based on each class for ongoing inquiry and deepening
Accompanied evocative music for each class
Each class reveals a sacred message from the different aspects of the Mother and what She requests of humanity at this time.
Your Guide: Rev. Meghan Don
Rev. Meghan Don has been described as “THE VOICE when it comes to how we as humans can integrate the feminine in our lives,” and her work “leads us into our true nature where we are emboldened to step up as a force of healing and hope in the world.” Meghan is an Evolutionary Mystic, Award-Winning Author, Founder of The Sanctuary of Sophia, a Feminine Mentor, and Death & Dying Guide. Her work incorporates mystical prayer and meditation, sacred chant and dance, Jungian wisdom, and Tree of Life mysteries, bringing ancient wisdom into a contemporary and accessible form. Meghan has taught at Omega Institute, Esalen Institute, Unity and New Thought Churches, and Interfaith Training Institutes.

Her books are: Meditations with Teresa of Avila: A Journey into the Sacred (winner of Best Book & Author Award, 2006), Sacred Companions Sacred Community: Reflections with Clare of Assisi, and her latest, The New Divine Feminine: Spiritual Evolution for a Woman’s Soul. Meghan is currently working on a new book on Death and Dying.