We are in times where everything is in the process of dying and dissolution - institutions, old paradigms, species on our planet - and we also tender human beings. Such times where this dissolution is perceived so blatantly everywhere and in all things, it becomes a good reminder to us that we too are part of this cycle, and if we can consciously enter into the unfolding process the richer it becomes.
The mystic death of the self prepares us for our physical death. The mystic being leads us to where death does not exist. In this introductory class (which naturally continues on and into the December class), we open the way for these explorations.
What We Explore:
~ Develop your own relationship with Mary Magdalene as guide and confidante
~ Learn sacred chant to open the portal to the feminine dying and birthing energy
~ Enter into gentle death meditations, becoming familiar with what it means to die, and coming to know who, or what, is actually dying.
~ Take up practical exercises to prepare for your death
~ Practice the mystic death, dying into the moment, again and again, until it is familiar and easy to let go.
~ Prepare the way to know the uncreated, eternal nature of your own being, so that when we die there is no death
~ We use The Gospel of Mary Magdalene as a guide into the death and life process
Dying is also about Resurrecting. Resurrecting into Life. We will discover how our preparation for death allows us to fully live.
Registration details
Two Recordings: It is recommended to spend a minimum of 2 weeks doing the practices from each recording, or longer if you choose.
Both video and audio recordings available. Once you register you will be sent instructions on how to access. This class prepares the way and evolves into a natural continuation with the next self study class:
Birthing into the Christ Essence with Mary Magdalene. See here for more information.
Your Guide: Rev. Meghan Don
Rev. Meghan Don has been described as “THE VOICE when it comes to how we as humans can integrate the feminine in our lives,” and her work “leads us into our true nature where we are emboldened to step up as a force of healing and hope in the world.” Meghan is an Evolutionary Mystic, Award-Winning Author, Founder of The Sanctuary of Sophia, a Feminine Mentor, and Death & Dying Guide. Her work incorporates mystical prayer and meditation, sacred chant and dance, Jungian wisdom, and Tree of Life mysteries, bringing ancient wisdom into a contemporary and accessible form. Meghan has taught at Omega Institute, Esalen Institute, Unity and New Thought Churches, and Interfaith Training Institutes.

Her books are: Meditations with Teresa of Avila: A Journey into the Sacred (winner of Best Book & Author Award, 2006), Sacred Companions Sacred Community: Reflections with Clare of Assisi, and her latest, The New Divine Feminine: Spiritual Evolution for a Woman’s Soul. Meghan is currently working on a new book on Death and Dying.