Living Into The Unknown
Walk the Mystic Path with Teresa of Avila and learn of the Wisdom Way with Sophia, Magdalene, & Yeshua
"Let nothing frighten you
Let nothing disturb you..."
- Teresa of Avila

Please join Meghan & others in sacred & supportive community:
The mystics have, and still are, deliberately living into the unknown and the uncertainty of life, coming to know the pathway of the unknown as their friend and ally, and eventually falling in love with the present moment of eternal time or timelessness.
This is what we, en masse, are now being asked to live.
It is not easy for many, as uncertainty brings forward all the unloved places of early lack of stability. And we have created, in the words of Teresa of Avila, a great fortress around our life with ever vigilant guards giving us a false security of control. But, when we come into the Sacred Embrace of Love all can melt back into its natural existence, its natural ground of being, and true safety can return. Please see the video and more below
We Will:
~ Learn from Teresa of Avila and her life experiences where the unknown and change came again and again until she came to appreciate them for the gifts they brought.
~ Study 3 Sophia-Wisdom Aspects: Dependable
~ Unperturbed
~ Flowing Movement
These Aspects come from the Book of Wisdom. We will explore these Aspects deep within our own being.
~ Learn from the lives of Magdalene and Yeshua and open to the Presence of their Healing Grace, both personally and collectively for our world
~ Find our way and ground of feeling secure in an insecure world
~ Begin each session with Healing Sounds for the Liver (anger), Heart (sadness), Spleen & Pancreas (joy & sweetness), Lungs (grief), and Kidney and Adrenals (fear & anxiety). It is important to express all the varied emotions that flow through us in a day. These Healing Sounds are powerful forms of release and invigoration
~ Pray, Meditate, Anoint our Bodies, Dance, Laugh and Restore our Joy
~ Enter into Sacred Ritual for Samhain, The Feast of the Dead and Dying
Required Reading:
Meditations with Teresa of Avila by Megan Don
(yes, this is Meghan, but with her original birth spelling)
~resource page
~anointing prayer
~sacred ritual for samhain - the feast of the dead and dying
Your Guide: Rev. Meghan Don
Rev. Meghan Don has been described as “THE VOICE when it comes to how we as humans can integrate the feminine in our lives,” and her work “leads us into our true nature where we are emboldened to step up as a force of healing and hope in the world.” Meghan is an Evolutionary Mystic, Award-Winning Author, Founder of The Sanctuary of Sophia, a Feminine Mentor, and Death & Dying Guide. Her work incorporates mystical prayer and meditation, sacred chant and dance, Jungian wisdom, and Tree of Life mysteries, bringing ancient wisdom into a contemporary and accessible form. Meghan has taught at Omega Institute, Esalen Institute, Unity and New Thought Churches, and Interfaith Training Institutes.

Her books are: Meditations with Teresa of Avila: A Journey into the Sacred (winner of Best Book & Author Award, 2006), Sacred Companions Sacred Community: Reflections with Clare of Assisi, and her latest, The New Divine Feminine: Spiritual Evolution for a Woman’s Soul. Meghan is currently working on a new book on Death and Dying.