Are you being overwhelmed by the world situation? Can you let go into something greater than yourself and what is arising daily in our media? Is your energy cleared from unhealthy patterns? Join me to experience a greater freedom of self as you journey here on Earth in the midst of the current worldly chaos and turmoil.
Life prepares us for death. And death prepares us for life. Do you feel prepared? Do you feel confident to fully enter both journeys? In this course your knowledge of living and dying will be enhanced as you learn practices, prayers, and deepen your own intuition as to what is needed in every moment.
This is the first module of a 4 part study.
All practices throughout these modules are relevant for your living as well as you, and your loved one’s dying.
In order to help others we must first traverse the territory ourselves so that we speak and act from experience, not mere concept or desire. We therefore begin this journey by going within to our own being and then extend outwards.
Module One: Letting Go Into Love See detailed description and important registration details below
Module Two: Indigenous Earth Wisdom Live teaching dates to come
Module Three: Learning From Those Who Have Passed Live teaching dates to come
Module Four: Helping Your Loved One’s Die Live teaching dates to come
Each module builds on the other, so each must be completed before beginning the next.
Session 1: Death and Dying Ritual-Meditation
We gather together in our Sacred Presence and in Sacred Circle opening the portal to pray for those who are passing over, and for our loved one’s who have already passed. We connect with our loved one's and Ancestors and firstly receive their love, filling ourselves with this. We then reciprocate in kind.
We open to what each soul, or groups of souls need here and now and open to their communication with us. This is a traditional Celtic celebration to honor and assist our sisters and brothers and our animal loved ones too. It is also the celebration of the Mexican Day of the Dead and the Christian celebration of All Souls. We can do this at any time, however.
We live symbiotically with the dead and dying. We help them as they help us. A beautiful meditation of connection and love through the realms.
Session 2: What is Love? What is Letting Go?
For each one of you love will hold its own energy and meaning. It will also change and evolve as you do and as circumstances unfold in your life. In this session you will explore deep within your body what love is, how it feels, and what it is asking of you. You will also ask, “What am I letting go into?” We often talk about “letting go of,” but here we reframe that often difficult task to something much more inviting.
You will also be introduced to your Death Guide and the Transference of Consciousness Practice - a practice to assist the soul leaving the body at death.
Session 3: Attachments and Letting Be
In this session you will learn of the private life and death of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, the pioneer of the hospice movement in the US and the one who brought the conversation of death into the Western world.
Questions from her story that you will explore are: How do you want your life to unfold? What do you perceive as a good life? What do you perceive as a good death? We will meditate on, and delve deeply into these questions, allowing surface desires to rise to make room for a deeper understanding to come forth.
The invitation of life can often ask us “to let be.” What does that feel like and what does that open us to, in life and death? A very freeing session when we enter fully.
Session 4: Meeting Your Life and Death
A powerful meditation experience to enter your life and death. Resolutions, regrets, compassion, forgiveness, loving understanding. All of these and more may arise for self and others. The veils between life and death disappear as you stand in your Sacred Presence within The Presence of Love.
Session 5: Gathering Together
In this final video of the first module, we revisit all that we have been studying, learning, and meditating with.
There is a wealth of information and practices that have been shared. Here we learn how we may integrate them and continue with them in our daily life as an ongoing preparation for our living and our dying.
What You Receive
5 Teaching Videos
4 Recorded Meditations
Resource Page
Recommended Reading & Music
Please Note: When you register you will be redirected to our church community donorbox: TheSanctuaryofSophia.Life
Once your payment has been made please look for an email confirmation that will have the Resource Page link and Password listed. Please make a note of this so you can easily return anytime.
Recordings are available for the lifetime duration of this website (a long time!). Sorry, no refunds issued due to this availability.
Your Guide: Rev. Meghan Don
Rev. Meghan Don has been described as “THE VOICE when it comes to how we as humans can integrate the feminine in our lives,” and her work “leads us into our true nature where we are emboldened to step up as a force of healing and hope in the world.” Meghan is an Evolutionary Mystic, Award-Winning Author, Founder of The Sanctuary of Sophia, a Feminine Mentor, and Death & Dying Guide. Her work incorporates mystical prayer and meditation, sacred chant and dance, Jungian wisdom, and Tree of Life mysteries, bringing ancient wisdom into a contemporary and accessible form. Meghan has taught at Omega Institute, Esalen Institute, Unity and New Thought Churches, and Interfaith Training Institutes.

Her books are: Meditations with Teresa of Avila: A Journey into the Sacred (winner of Best Book & Author Award, 2006), Sacred Companions Sacred Community: Reflections with Clare of Assisi, and her latest, The New Divine Feminine: Spiritual Evolution for a Woman’s Soul. Meghan is currently working on a new book on Death and Dying.