Spiritual Healing & Mentoring
Private Retreats
Spiritual Healing & Mentoring

Prayer Transmission
Soul Companionship
The spiritual healing and mentoring I offer is a unique journey we undertake together into soul intimacy. This intimacy begins with your own self and soul, spreads into your body, and then out into the world. Each session is unique and reflects the need of your soul in that moment.
This is a sacred relationship we enter into, one that brings richness and a return to Life.
Even though this is not talk therapy you will be held in the tender embrace of Compassionate Love, allowing all to arise as needed. The deep Feminine/Masculine wound, Ancestral and Family Healing, A sense of Belonging, Confidence and Authenticity of Self, are some of the things that can come forth. Meditations, prayer, readings, and chants may be given along with practical applications in life.
Life & Death Mentoring
We all die a thousand deaths before we die. Loss, grief, transitions and change create who we are in this world. Whether you have lost a loved one, are tending to an imminent death right now, or are in a major life transition, my experience of working with death and all of its faces, can help guide and ease your path.
Please see below for contact and fees.
“He has prepared us for this. He is calling upon us to become fully human ~ Gospel of Mary Magdalene”

“As a mentor, Meghan is truly a master – combining deep mystical knowledge and experience with warmth and a joyful, playful sense of humor that can open doors to transformation and new dimensions for you if you are willing and committed. She offers all from her embodied wisdom.”
~ sara, artist

Once or twice per month for one hour as needed
Single, one-off sessions also available
Fee: Sliding Scale According to Financial Ability
See flexible rates below in your currency
Please email to confirm spaces available before paying
Currency Rates:
US Residents: US$150-$175 per hour
Euro countries: Euro€95-€125 per hour
Australian residents: AUD$125-$175 per hour
UK residents: GBP£95-£120 per hour
New Zealand residents: NZD$125-$150 per hour. If you need to pay less there are some NZ scholarships available for $95. Please ask.

Your Own Private Retreat
In-Person or Virtual

"This is exactly what I needed. Time and space for me to listen to my own heart and soul. No phones. No internet. No family or work obligations. With Meghan's insightful guidance and spiritual nudges in all the right places I was brought deeper into my own being, feeling both rested and inspired. Thank you! " - Angela
Prayer ~ Meditation ~ Communion with Nature Support ~ Laughter
3 Day Private Retreat
Waihi Beach, North Island, New Zealand
We all need to take time out from our normal daily lives to reach deeper within, to reorient our direction, or to honor a transition. A personal retreat is a special time that can take us very deeply into what our need is in the present time, with a complete focus on our inner life.
Having a guide during these times can be most beneficial, someone who supports where you are and where you are going, someone who is able to point to areas of soul that you may not be seeing, helping to open doorways to those longed for places deep within.
A personal retreat is a gift to your soul. In our world we are not skilled in receiving, so in this way a personal retreat also teaches us how to receive fully in the Spirit, for only then can we walk in the world giving what we are here to give.
The retreat is tailored according to the needs of each individual for 3 days, beginning on the evening of the first day and ending after lunch on the 3rd day. Through prayer and discussion prior to your retreat we will hold a specific intention or theme for the retreat.
See basic rhythm of retreat below
Virtual Retreat: If you are unable to travel I offer 3-Day Virtual Private Retreats. See info below
A general sense of the retreat rhythm but it can be tailored to your specific soul and body needs:
Day 1:
Settle into your accommodations, take a walk on the beach, and breathe into your own space and being
Meet with Meghan in the evening to open your retreat and enter into Evening Session & Meditation
Day 2:
Early morning free for own personal meditation, yoga or beach walk
Meet with Meghan in morning for soul explorations and sacred excursion on the land
Afternoon take time to integrate morning session, and nap
Evening Session & Meditation
Day 3:
Early morning free for own personal meditation, yoga or beach walk
Meet with Meghan in morning for a deepening of soul explorations
Special attention is given to practical application of the retreat revelations
A soul–ritual is created, sealing in the blessings received, and equipping you for returning to your life in the world


“My personal retreat with Meghan was a river of deep grace, which has continued to flow through my life today. I am deeply grateful for this time of opening to my true nature, and experiencing that sacred soul contentment that comes from knowing my rightful place in our universe.”
- Linda Cook, CA

Virtual 3-Day Private Retreat
We will design a retreat that is perfect for you, which will include meditation, prayer and reflection; sacred readings and journaling; and may include slow, ambling walks, long baths, sacred dance, yoga/Gigong, creative art expression - depending on your needs and preferences. A recorded meditation will be sent to prepare for your retreat.
DAY 1: We will meet for 60 minutes to open your retreat, refine your intention, meditate and pray together. Recorded Meditations, Journal practices, contemplations, and readings will be given, or use your own text.
Evening: Recorded Meditation
DAY 2: Morning: Recorded Meditation
Late Morning/Afternoon: We will meet for 90 minutes to deepen your retreat contemplations and to be with what is arising in your heart and meditations.
Evening: Recorded Meditation
DAY 3: Morning: Recorded Meditation
Late Morning/Afternoon: We will meet for 90 minutes to be with your queries, gather your retreat blessings, and draw them into a personal ritual/prayer to help with integrating into your everyday life.
Evening: Recorded Meditation