Every moment asks us to let go and let be.
What are we letting go into?
We are in a monumental time of letting go. Perhaps more than anything else, we are being asked to let go of fear.
All of our anxiousness, our busy-ness, our lack of peace, all stems from fear.
When we do let go, we often think we are letting go of something, but what if we reframe this to letting go into something - and that something is Love, or whatever we need to feel in the moment - whether it be Safety, Security, Comfort, Stability.
This letting go into Love or something greater is our ongoing life journey.
And it is our death journey.
I welcome you to join me on October 30, for a Samhain/Day of the Dead/All Souls Days meditation and ritual where we will be opening the way to help souls make their transitional journey from this physical life. Individuals and groups of souls who are passing or who have passed, all need our assistance. Just as we need theirs.
From that meditation we continue on for 3 more sessions, furthering our study into Your Life and Death Journey: Letting Go Into Love, learning of Celtic stories, practices to help our soul in times of all transition, connecting with beloved guides, Ancestors, and animals, and other life stories to help us reflect on our own present journey.
Please click here to see more detailed info of what we will enter into together: https://www.meghandon.life/your-life-and-death-journey
All sessions are recorded so you can join any time. Plus, those joining via the recordings can send in any sharing/questions they may have, so you will be included as much as possible.
This is the First Module of three which will be given over the winter-spring.
FEMININE COURAGE PART ONE: 100-Minute Recording Grief ~ Faith ~ Joy and most importantly Comfort. Learn of the Advice given to humanity by the Black Madonna of Poland and of the Archangels from the Chapel in the Camoldese Monastery If you would like to learn more click here If you would like to hear about the Black Madonna as Healing Alchemist listen here: https://www.meghandon.life/podcasts READ WHAT OTHER'S ARE SAYING ABOUT THE VIRTUAL IRELAND PILGRIMAGE:
“During our Covid constrained world, it was so wonderful to be on retreat in this way…it has been a perfect sanctuary, listening to your beautiful meditations, seeing the tranquil landscapes, and with music that touched my soul. What an enormous amount of work you have put into creating something so special. I really feel I was there with you.” - Paula Hames, Auckland, New Zealand
"I was deeply touched and inspired by your pilgrimage to Glendalough. The meditations, poetry, music, and visual images immediately brought me into a deep and sacred space. It also reawakened in me my Ancestral love for Ireland. I'm pleased that I can return to this pilgrimage many times and will highly recommend it to others." - Alice McDowell, author, and co-founder of Light on The Hill, NY
With travel proving to be difficult you may want to embark upon your own inner travel with the Virtual Pilgrimage. Virtual Ireland Pilgrimage Journey : Join me as I become your personal guide: ~ Structured as a 6-day pilgrimage that can be entered into in your own rhythm Choose 6 days to walk, or 1 day per week, or even 1 hour per week, all as you are able. ~ I will be your personal guide with recorded meditations and poems ~ Recorded video meditations of the sacred lakes and valley ~ Celtic music ~ Ancient Celtic prayers and Gaelic Heart Mantras ~ Learn the mystic stories of St.Kevin - the mystic, shaman, the saint who is still very much alive and present in his home and wander through the old monastic community ~ Contemplate in the canopy of the Oaks, at the feet of the Beech, wander among the Birch trees ~ Receive healing at the sacred glacial lakes ~ Read, contemplate, journal All prompts are given and are easy to follow.
See More Information Here: https://www.meghandon.life/glendalough-meditation Virtual Private Retreats: I am now offering virtual private retreats. Needing extra support? Wanting to realign with your soul and life? Needing sacred time out? Please see here (scroll down once you click on link) Private Mentoring: For those wanting to take their inner and outer journey to the next level. This is not talk therapy (even though you will be compassionately heard) but focuses on soul transmissions to take a leap in consciousness. New updated description: See info here